The following was published by the U.S. Consulate Leipzig and the U.S. Embassy Berlin:

The Steuben-Schurz Society, the oldest German American friendship organization, annually awards the most active German-American sister city relationship and we are so happy to be able to say it’s #leipzighouston this year! Their call for applications was heard by the City of Leipzig’s Department for International Affairs and it seems we did very, very well these past years! The award comes with 1,000 Euro and was handed over during the society’s New Year’s reception in Frankfurt on Monday, January 28, 2019.
We are truly happy and grateful to know the combined efforts of everyone involved are being appreciated, even beyond Leipzig and Houston!
As volunteers we know that this is only working out so well because the associations (big shout out to the Houston Leipzig Sister City Association, this award is also yours!) and city administrations on both sides have been making constant efforts for over two and a half decades and never cease to invest time and passion in the best sister city project we can think of.
Thank you very, very much to the Steuben-Schurz Society for considering and awarding Leipzig-Houston, for the invitation and the wonderful evening! The money will be handed over to the city of Leipzig and can be used for Leipzig Houston projects.

Jedes Jahr zeichnet die Steuben-Schurz-Gesellschaft e.V. die aktivste deutsch-amerikanische Städtepartnerschaft aus und im Jahr 2019 ist es die unsere! Nach der Ausschreibung durch die Gesellschaft konnte die Bewerbung des Referats für Internationale Zusammenarbeit der Stadtverwaltung Leipzig überzeugen. Der Preis der ältesten deutsch-amerikanischen Freundschaftsorganisation ist mit 1.000 Euro dotiert und wurde am Montag, den 28.01.2019 in Frankfurt am Main im Rahmen des Neujahrsempfangs der Steuben-Schurz-Gesellschaft e.V. überreicht. 🥳 Wir sind überglücklich und dankbar 🙏🏻, dass sowohl das Engagement 💪🏻 der Stadt Leipzig auf administrativer sowie unseres auf bürgerlicher Ebene gewürdigt wurde und dass unser gemeinsames Tun auch außerhalb der Grenzen Leipzigs und Houstons wahrgenommen wird. Wir wissen aus unserem Ehrenamts-Alltag, dass diese Städtepartnerschaft nur so wunderbar funktioniert, weil sowohl die Vereine (diese Auszeichnung geht auch an euch, Houston Leipzig Sister City Association!) als auch die Stadtverwaltungen auf Leipziger und Houstoner Seite Hand in Hand arbeiten und jeweils starke und nicht zu stoppende Akteure immer wieder ihr bestes (und noch viel mehr 😎) geben.
Vielen herzlichen Dank an die Steuben-Schurz-Gesellschaft e.V. für die Auszeichnung, Einladung und den wunderbaren Abend! Das Geld wird an die Stadt Leipzig übergeben und kann für Projekte unsere Städtepartnerschaft verwendet werden.

U.S. Consulate General Leipzig
U.S. Embassy Berlin

19Aug 2019

We’ve had a wonderful movie summer at Houston-Leipzig, and are easing into an exciting fall.  Please join us on Thursday, September 12, 2019, at 6:30 p.m. for a presentation by Anne Breaux on 100 Years Bauhaus. What does Bauhaus mean to you?  Maybe you’ve heard of its most important directors:  Walter Gropius and Ludwig Mies […]

24Jul 2019

Movie Night with beer tasting at Houston-Leipzig The Story of German Beer (2016) – a documentary by Jens Niehuss Do join us for our next meeting, on Thursday, August 8, 2019, 6:30 p.m., at L’Alliance Française, 427 Lovett Boulevard, Houston, TX  77006 (please note parking restrictions below), for a tasting of a flight of German beers along with […]

27Jun 2019

Movie Night at Houston-Leipzig:  Barbara (2012) – a film by Christian Petzold Please join us for our next meeting, on Thursday, July 11, 2019, 6:30 p.m., at L’Alliance Française, 427 Lovett Boulevard, Houston, TX  77006 (please note parking restrictions below), where we will continue our series of Cinema in East Germany 1946 – 1989.  This time we will […]

26May 2019

Phoenix (2014) – a film by Christian Petzold Houston-Leipzig Summer Movie Night June 13, 2019, 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. L’Alliance Française As every summer, we will screen German films (with English subtitles) during the months of June, July, and August.  This year our first two movies – Phoenix and Barbara – were directed by award-winning […]

10Apr 2019

We cordially invite you to join us at Ouisie’s Table on Thursday, May 9, 2019, for our 25th Anniversary Celebration Dinner! Patricia Gilmore-Maass, Chair Person, and her Celebration Dinner Committee have been hard at work to bring you an exciting and delicious evening. We will start with an al fresco reception (if the weather allows) […]

10Apr 2019

Leipzig after Bach Saturday, May 18, 2019 7:30 PM 9:00 PM South Main Baptist Church 4100 Main Street Houston, TX, 77002 United States (map) Google Calendar ICS Featured Guest: Dr. Jeffrey Sposato, Associate Professor of Musicology and Director of Graduate Studies The Houston Chamber Choir’s last concert of the 2018-2019 Season, Leipzig After Bach, provides […]