Finally some more pictures of the kids!
The photo above was taken on top of the Panorama Tower, the whole group together.
f.l.t.r.: Susanne, Volker Bremer (chairman of Leipzig Tourismus und Marketing, LTM), Sarah, Eric, Prof. Keil (chairman of die SCA Leipzig – Houston e. V.), Jenny, Melanie, Aaron Kaufman, Wolfgang Zimmermann, KhetKhet Burger (both vice chairpersons of our association), Lisa, Julia and Randy.
photo: © LTM-Schmidt
Inside the Asisi-Panometer, a giant exposition building hall (a former gas tank), currently showing “Amazonia”.
This photo proves that the sun was really shining.
I really like this picture! In front of the Forum of Contemporary History
fl.t.r.: Aaron, Sarah, Melanie, Susanne, Julia, Randy, Jenny and Eric
Our group in the zoo: Randy, Sarah’s dad, Sarah, Susanne, Julia, Melanie, Jenny, Thai Hang (the 4th place winner in our competition!), Eric, Aaron, Prof. Keil and Melanie’s dad (f.l.t.r.).
All the pictures above(except for the first) were taken by Linda Blumenstein (© LTM-Blumenstein), intern at LTM . Thank you very, very much for sharing them with us.
Tonight we are having our farewell BBQ, in a Texan Restaurant, of course. It is incredible that these two weeks seemed to have passed like in a blink of an eye…
There are still more pictures to come, but currently the website seems to have trouble loading all of them up..
Take care,
I’ve been watching your posts. It looks like you have had a great time. My personal thanks to Harmut, Wolfgang, Lisa, KhetKhet and the rest for taking time to educate and entertain the students. I know from my own experience in June that it was fantastische!
ps – I can’t wait until I can get back to Leipzig myself.