To keep you posted as we promised, here some pictures of the last days. As I wrote before, the weather was just perfect until yesterday. So as if making fun of me, it compleeetely changed today, at the moment we’re having 13°C (about 55°F) – quite a chock after 30°C (~ 86°F) yesterday. We’ll see what the day brings.
So at first some impressions of our BBQ (on Tuesday):

We made this a “pot luck” BBQ, so everybody brought along a self-made salad or dessert, our association made sure that everybody could have sausages and some chicken. And although we didn’t arrange anything, everybody brought something different – awesome! So finally we had potato salad, several types of vegetable salads, cheese and tomato (wrapped in aluminum foil so that we could broil it), mousse au chocolat, vanilla pudding, fruits, cookies and and and! We were really impressed that everybody put so much effort in making this BBQ a 100 % success. Thanks to everybody participating in it!

Our appointed “Master of the Sausages”, Ingo Lehner (treasurer of our association) did a wonderful job, thank you so much! As well I would like to thank KhetKhet Burger (vice chairwoman the association) making this a nice and comfortable evening for everybody, thanks to you, too!
On the picture above: Ingo (standing) and KhetKhet (sitting on the left side of the table, looking into the camera), some of the kids and some of our association’s members.

We also had two guests from Portland, Oregon (Alana and Emily in the middle), they are exchange students of our members Rike (in the striped dress) and Miriam (in the blue shirt).
What a nice evening – hope to see all of you very soon again!
Our Houstonians guests as well had their first day in a German school – they all liked it, haha. One good thing about hot summer days in Germany is, that the classes are shorter than usual (so school’s off before it gets too hot). Usually German schools aren’t equipped with air conditioning units, because most of the time we simply don’t need it. So you may imagine that German students actually prefer hot days. 😉
Yesterday (Wednesday) we – again – enjoyed the nice view from high above the city. Actually we were on top of Leipzig’s highest building. SInger-songwriter Aaron Kaufman also was with the group, so that he and the kids could finally meet!
Thanks also to LTM, Mr. Bremer (chairman of LTM) and especially to Mr. Michael Steuer for organizing everything for us and the LTM’s intern Ms. Blumenstein for accompanying us and taking pictures of the group.
On the picture above: Prof. Harmut Keil (chairman of our association, Dr. Wolfgang Zimmermann (vice chairman), Melanie and Sarah.
Today the group has a day off, tomorrow they’re going to go to the motet in St. Thomas Church, nice!
Take care,
Lisa Renner