The Houston-Leipzig Sister City Association was founded in 1993 on the principles of President Eisenhower’s people-to-people citizen diplomacy initiative, which had at its core the idea that people who know each other do not wage war on each other.
During the last twenty years, a myriad of citizens exchanged ideas, looked at each other’s workplace models, introduced American football in Leipzig, learned new methods of fire-fighting, traded experience in street and organized crime fighting capabilities and children’s advocacy, assisted in the emergency rooms of Houston’s trauma centers, learned about life-saving open-heart surgery, brought comedy, tragedy and humor to each other’s audiences, let teenagers experience a week or two in the other’s city and schools, glorified the art of the 19th century and Klinger’s Beethoven from Leipzig in Houston, absorbed the new art school of Leipzig, listened to a steady stream of gorgeous organ and choral works, experienced a lively crowd of Houston visitors to Leipzig, and in general, had a wonderful time with each other.
Mutual visits in Houston and Leipzig during 2013 mirror the past twenty years’ exchanges. Come see the Thomaner Choir in November, and visit with citizens from Leipzig at the same time.