????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????We celebrated the fall of the Berlin wall early on Monday with the glorious Gewandhaus Orchestra concert. Some of the comments heard after the concert included “. . . an unforgettable evening . . . an experience of a lifetime . . . so much beauty and perfection brought tears to my eyes.” Thank you to the City of Leipzig, the Gewandhaus Orchestra,  and foremost, the German Consulate General in Houston, and all the people that made this happen.

On this November 9, 2014, the 25th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin wall, let us remember what happened back then. The people were delirious, the Stasi despaired. Following are some links, some entertaining, some more serious, but all good for a quick look. A short video: https://www.google.com/webhp?tab=ww&ei=dpBfVILXH8TOggSz4IKYDg&ved=0CAkQ1S4 (click on the picture)

For German speakers, you must take a look at this:
Today’s Tagesschau – this may be a short-lived link: http://www.tagesschau.de/multimedia/livestreams/index.html , and

here a great presentation from the Spiegel: http://www.spiegel.de/politik/deutschland/mauerfall-mauerkomoedie-das-ende-der-ddr-multimedia-story-a-1001158.html

Extremely interesting article about how Putin’s experience in the former East Germany changed him:

Where is the Wall today:

Interesting Perspective:

An assortment of links about the wall and its fall:

Enjoy your Sunday!

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